I’m trying to update a credential using the CV APIs
I’m following this workflow
1 - Authentication - {url}/v2/authentication - Done
2 - List credentials - {url}/v2/credentialvault/credentials/list - Done
3 - List credential attributes - {url}/v2/credentialvault/credentials/{id}/attributevalues - Done
4 - Get Public Key - {url}/v2/credentialvault/keys/transport/public - Done
at this point, I have the necessary to call the endpoint that update the attribute value
5 - Update Attribute Value - /v2/credentialvault/credentials/{id}/attributevalues/{attributeValueId}?encryptionKey={publickey}
When i request the put call the endpoint i receive the next message:
{"code":"cv.validation.secure.keys.transport.invalid","details":null,"message":"The encryption key is incorrect"}
the public key that i use in the Query Parameter is the string contained in the publicKey node of the step 4.
Can anyone face the same issue?
Any ideas to solve the problem?