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Error description= Plug-in action failed. Make sure that your browser plug-in is properly installed and enabled. For help with this error, go to the Automation Anywhere community forum, A People. Error code:TYPE_015, error Line Number=88

Hi @kalpanap,

If you are running the bot on the chrome. Could you check the “Automation A360” extension is enabled?

Hi @kalpanap ,


First of all, check whether Automation 360 plugin is available in your browser extensions, and it is enabled or not. If not, please enable it.


TYPE_015 error is mainly due to Object Cloning / Capture Command.

If it is object Cloning -> Increase wait for object to exist time

If it is Capture Command -> Increase the time in Wait for Control input box inside the Capture Command.



Kindly verify the following articles as well.



Hope this will help.



