
Why is pdf extract field giving null values ,even after variable mapping ?

  • 21 September 2022
  • 6 replies

  • Automate the Universe SME
  • 15 replies
Why is pdf extract field giving null values ,even after variable mapping ?

6 replies

Hi @Tamil Arasu​ ,

I have created a variable mapping for all the mapped fields.

Earlier it was giving appropriate results but now its giving null values.

Any specific reason

Userlevel 6
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Hi @Pratik TATED​ ,


Could you please verify the Dictionary variable that you have assigned to an extracted value.>


Userlevel 6
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Please try with remapping the fields.

HI @Tamil Arasu​ ,

Does the order of mapping variables matter?

I have tried but it is not working for me



Hi @Tamil Arasu​ ,

It is throwing me an error


Field 'content' must not be null.


I am now trying with single single field .

and mapped as per that.


Userlevel 6
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Please use the same Key name to get the data


Please find the below screen shots for your reference.

