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Why does Capture:area action capture different places on botcreator and botrunner screens?

  • 16 August 2022
  • 4 replies

Here is the screen:


I use Screen:Capture the area, and save it as source.png. So i can use it in If - ImageRecognition action.


I also have that OK button as a png file. If that png file is in source.png, then i will click OK button.


But botrunner captures different area


Here is what on botcreator screen:



here is what on botrunner screen:




Please verify that both machines are having the same screen resolutions. Or you can set the window sizes before the screen: capture action


Can you please try the runner machine to trigger the task and keep an on eye that part?

Whether windows are opening full-size ..etc or Still capturing the same positions

Hi @Tamil Arasu​ 

I checked from controlroom- manage- devices

Botcreator and botrunner has same screen resolulion, both are 1920*1080

Why does it still capture different area?

I put screen:capture desktop just before the capture:area action

and the desktop is same as it is on botcreator

its fullsize, no problem

but still there is different area captured in capture:area action
