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When interacting with a website sometimes a popup appears and sometimes it doesn't. How can I go about building into my bot that says If this popup appears do this else do that?

  • 10 March 2022
  • 1 reply

I have seen in the IF statements there is a section for objects. I thought I could use this to check if a certain popup appears on a webpage or not - when using it and the popup isn't displayed A360 throws an error message saying that the capture isn't there. Any ideas?

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @Max Dal Prato​ ,


You can try using If: Object Exists Action for that towards the beginning of the Automation or in those sections where the pop usually happens.



Provide a Timeout of 5-10 seconds, or any timeout that you see fit.



Kind Regards

Ashwin A.K
