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Hi @Kevin Mylakkattu​ ,


Could you please verify that Python is installed on the machine?


Installed but not working - please restart the IQ BOT services using the .bat file which is available in the IQ BOT installation location.





Hi @Kevin Mylakkattu​ ,


If you are using OnPrem IQBOT, i'd recommend checking Python installed on or not. If this is not helping you, I'd recommend opening a support ticket with AA using below link. So support team can connect with you for closure.>


if you don't have access to the above link, Send an email to AA Support team "" to get the access.

It is happening for all python logic.

I verified installation on the machine, it is there.

Yes I did check Python and Restarted the services.

Is this happening for all python logic or just the re package?

I think reaching out to support team will be best option @Kevin Mylakkattu​ 
