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Web Automation - session id from child bot question

Hey gang,


I’m looking for some advise on Web Automation..

I’ve build a child bot that will be used as Reusable Component. It’s main purpose is to start new session in Chrome navigate to specific URL and login using stored credentials. Upon successful login I would use “Get Current Session” component to grab current session id into a string and output it in main flow bot. 

In the main flow I want to continue and navigate using the same session id/window to a different URL, but I’m not getting any luck nor any errors. What am I possibly missing here?



Hi @jayqb ,


Unfortunately, we can't create a session variable specifically for the Web Automation. Can you try using the Browser Automation package instead? This package is also working the same way as the Web Automation. This will auto determine browser version and use correct driver version, will work for upcoming future versions too- providing driver path is optional. Also, it will allow shared sessions through shared session variables/ global sessions. It can also perform tasks like handle alerts, navigate forward, back, refresh, new tab, maximize, full screen, minimize etc.



Thanks for your response @Padmakumar 
Is this the package that you mentioned or do I need to additionally install it?

Thanks for your response @Padmakumar 
Is this the package that you mentioned or do I need to additionally install it?


No. It’s a different package.



Looks like I don’t have this package installed in my A360. 

How can I add this? 

Looks like I don’t have this package installed in my A360. 

How can I add this? 


Which A360 build you are having?

Automation 360 build 16667

@ja 1672 Import this zip file in your control room. This will add Browser Automation package.


For session to be shared, ensure package version is same among bots.

Community edition does not set/allow latest package version as default for imported packages.

Awesome, thanks for all the info and the file.

I was able to import the package successfully and will give it a go!

I just wanted to add this now works exactly as intended. 🤗


Thank you once again!

Hey @Sumit.K7  @Padmakumar 


I realized Browser Automation package is not a package that can be downloaded from bot store.

I’m just curious if this is something that is constantly updated and developed and where did you originally get it from? 


Recently my Chrome updated to newest version and I had issues running that package and I had to downgrade my version of chrome back to v110. 


Thanks a million!

@jayqb I am the author of this package, it is built on top of web automation to eliminate the Web Automation shortcomings.

Issue you are facing is related to chrome version not working even with correct driver version through selenium and not specific to package.

Try this updated version:



Thanks @Sumit.K7 !

@jayqb I am the author of this package, it is built on top of web automation to eliminate the Web Automation shortcomings.

Issue you are facing is related to chrome version not working even with correct driver version through selenium and not specific to package.

Try this updated version:


Hello @Sumit.K7  , please i have this following error when using this package 

Unable to establish websocket connection to http://localhost:59353/devtools/browser/6391754a-3d7f-
Build info: version: '4.4.0', revision: 'e5c75ed026a'
System info: host: 'BS-CKG-368', ip: '', 'Windows 11', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: ''
Driver info: driver.version: ChromeDriver

Hi I am trying to achieve the same, results where i can use the current session id from parents to sub tasks or subtasks to partent tasks however i am able to get the session id but not able to identify the way where can that id be used to pass the sessions, can anybody help me on this.

Hi I am trying to achieve the same, results where i can use the current session id from parents to sub tasks or subtasks to partent tasks however i am able to get the session id but not able to identify the way where can that id be used to pass the sessions, can anybody help me on this.

Hi Roshan,

Unfortunately the only way I managed to get this working was with the BrowserAutomation package Sumit.K7 submitted. You can downloaded and import it into your A360

@Roshan 9366 @jayqb 
Updated version is also available on botstore:
