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We have been successful to store ID/PW information (say for an email connector) in the Locker/Credential.  Assigned the Bot Developers to have Consumer access.

On the EmailSend Action, that Locker/Cred can be selected and used without the Bot Developer ever seeing the value.  Great.


Question - how to use on other fields?


We have stored email server name also in the Credential for example.  But on the editbox to provide email server, it only accepts a String.


Yes, Bot Store’s Credential Manager package seems to allow the read/conversion of a Cred to a String - but now the Bot Developer could simply send it to a MessageBox or LogToFile, etc.


Is there a way to use Credentials as just simple “variables” that can be used in Actions, but not easily displayed?  The Help Docs mention “hostnames”, but I have not found an example of anything beyond ID/PW being used/accepted.


We are using Enterprise Cloud Build 23228.

Hi @dstolz 

Instead of storing the email server name in the Credential Locker, you can use a global value or a configuration file. This approach allows you to use the server name as a simple variable in your actions without the need for credentials.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.
