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Unable to pass vault credentials to metabot as input parameters in v11

  • 10 March 2022
  • 1 reply

I am facing trouble while passing vault credentials to metabot as input parameters and throwing below error-

Error SnapThings I tried-

  1. Checked my user roles & privileges. Attaching the roles that I have.
  2. Changed output parameter variables.
  3. Restarting my client services post refreshing the roles.
  4. Validated the locker credentials.



  1. This is v11.
  2. This command was working earlier and it is part of a production bot that runs. Now that I want to update the credential, I am not able to edit and save changes.
  3. I have checked out the task bot that is calling this metabot.


Kindly help.

Hi @Shubham Mathur​ ,


There is an option in the Control Room which lets you pass credential vault variables to Metabots.


Log in as Administratora and ead over to Administrator -> Settings -> Client Application -> Configuration Section -> Enable Credential Vault Variable to Metabot.


Could you try that and let us know if it worked out for you?

Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K


