
Unable to find course "Introducing Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface (AARI)"

  • 25 October 2022
  • 1 reply

I'm currently in the learning path "Bot Developer (Automation 360) and it tells me that the course "Introducing Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface (AARI)" is a prerequisite and won't let me continue until I've taken it. However, I cannot find this course anywhere in the content library. A colleague had previously taken it, but can't find it now.


Has this course been removed from AA University?


Thanks for any help

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Danny Hayes​ ,


Thank you for writing to us,

we would like to inform you that all Training Certification/E-Learning requests are handled by our Training department as we do not have access to our training team portal.

So, we recommend you to kindly drop an email to Upon request, our Training Team will be able to address your request within 3 business days 

