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unable to download dependencies while running the bot

  • 26 February 2024
  • 7 replies

Can someone please help me on? 

7 replies

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@priyankapriya  Can you create sample bot with just message box as “HI” and see if it is working or not.


Please check if device is connected or not? The green sign should be visible if it is connected.


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Hi @r.singh 

My device is connected and it is in green 

I have installed bot agent without run as administrator

Can we connect once for 5 min to discuss this



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I have created simple bot only

But i could not run it

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Hi Team

Can anyone please help on this]

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Hi Team,

Can anyone please reply to this

Badge +4

@priyankapriya  Can you please check  permission and roles for all the folders and files. Below is the example:-

If this is does not help follow below link with all solutions:*mwj9om*_ga*MTQzNDU3NDM5NS4xNzA3Nzc1NTAz*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTcwOTA3MjIyOS45LjEuMTcwOTA5MTI2OS40NS4wLjA.

Badge +4

@priyankapriya If the above solution helps,please mark as resolved.
