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Test EWS email connection in Bot Runner device

  • 31 October 2023
  • 1 reply

I have a bot that reads emails. It’s configured with EWS connection parameters. During development, we had to test the connection by using that button and everything worked fine.

Now, when I run it in a Bot Runner device I got the error “Unable to connect with EWS server”. I know I have to test the connection again, but that option is only available for bot creator and that device is connected only to the production Control Room, in which I only have runners.

I also know one option is to Reinstall Bot Agent, connect the device to the DEV control room, test connection, and then reinstall it again for PROD. But I have the question: is there any easier way to configure EWS in a runner device?


Hello @carlosherrera You cannot edit the bot and test the connection using a Runner account, you will need developer license to edit the bot. 

Also, you don't need to uninstall the bot agent to connect to different control room. You may switch between control rooms. Please revie the following article.

Switch Bot Agent to a different Control Room (
