
Table vs List - Which is Faster?

  • 3 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Is data manipulation faster when working with a List variable or a Table variable? For instance, I lets say I have a list of names and I want to compare it to a second list of names to see which ones match. Would it be faster to do these types of comparisons with Lists or Tables? My actual data will be closer to 100,000 rows, so I am concerned about performance.


Note: in theory, my data will only contain one column, thus it could (again, in theory) be stored in either a Table or List variable.

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

@Logan Price​ AA Table and AA List both use ArrayList for their implementation.

Table = List of Header + List of Row

If you have single column, stick to List variable.


Here's Table implementation of AA Table:

public class Table {

private List<Schema> schema = new ArrayList();

private List<Row> rows = new ArrayList();


public Table() {



public Table(List<Schema> schema, List<Row> rows) {

this.schema = schema;

this.rows = rows;



public List<Schema> getSchema() {

return this.schema;



public void setSchema(List<Schema> schema) {

this.schema = schema;



public List<Row> getRows() {

return this.rows;



public void setRows(List<Row> rows) {

this.rows = rows;



