We have a bot that that uses the Excel Basic: Get multiple cells action to populate a table variable.
Then we have a “Loop for each row in table” action that loops through that table variable and inserts each row returned to a record variable.
This all worked fine until recently. The loop action goes into an infinite loop now even if no rows were found to populate the table. I confirmed this with a message bot which returned a count of how many records were in the table.
Has anyone else run into this.
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Got a screen shot of code you can share?
Have you tried isolating just the Excel Basic: Get multiple cells and Loop actions into a separate automation to see if something is interfering with the loop?
No, I haven’t tried that yet. This had been working before. December is when it stopped working only at the time I didn’t realize what was going on until now.
The DCB lines were the ones I added. As you can see it shows table count is 0. The other 2 DCB lines are inside the loop and as you can see they are repeated meaning the bot is looping through the table even though there is nothing in it.
I talked with someone in AA and they said to raise a ticket.
Have you tried something like this?
Using this form of a Loop prevents you from having to read the entire Excel file into memory (into the data table).
Prueba actualizando los Packages
Prueba usando Excel Avanzado
Elimina manualmente las filas “vacias” y prueba si sige infinito
Puedes obtener el total de filas de la tabla y lo iteras hasta que lleges al total de filas y luego finalizas.