Hi Everyone,
I am trying to use the update query with select statement in automation anywhere. I have 2 different tables(2 excel sheets). I need to update one column by comparing the colum names [client num]of first table with RAFT Client # column in the second table.
If the client value matches, then bot needs to update optin column
For this I have used the Insert/Update/Delete Command, and i used the below query :
UPDATE EASO Output$] SET TASO Output$.Opt In?]=]Sheet1$.Max_ASO Vendor Fee Pass Through] FROM (SELECT TSheet1$.Max_ASO Vendor Fee Pass Through],]Sheet1$.RAFT Client #] FROMOSheet1$] AS SSheet1$] WHERE ESHEET1$.RAFT Client #]=]ASO Output$.CLient_Number];
But I can't able to get the proper result, Syntatical error occured. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue
Gayathri M