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States Property gives Null value

  • 1 February 2023
  • 2 replies



I am creating a bot for Dynamics 365 where in a field is disabled and it will enable after few actions. 

So I need to confirm if the property of the field is enabled or not to perform next actions.

For this , I am trying with Recorder - get property - ‘States’ which shows value as ‘Unavailable’ when that field is disabled and the value of States property is null as soon the field is enabled in UI screen.

Now , running the bot when the field is disable and the States value is unavailable but then it is taking as null value though the value is assigned in the Property 


Please could you help 

HI @Rajeswari.N1 ,

you can try something like this below…




Or try to select only the first three ones in Object prpperties…


