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I am just curious if something has changed in Code Analysis. I set up policies several months back, and all was working fine. But I see now that none of the policies are enforced for any of the devs. The policy is still there; it just isn’t doing anything. I have tried a couple of test bots that violate rules specifically, and they all go through just fine. Also, I am noticing the “Run Code Analysis” option is going when clicking on the ellipsis next to a bot. Is this another broken item, or has the way they are now enforced changed? As usual, my search for any documentation on changes turned up nothing.

Automation 360 build 18361


Found the resolution (if you can call it that) to this. We are using an NFR implementation of the Control Room. Not sure what happened, but I noticed the options to “Allow Check-In with low-severity violations” AND “Allow Check-In with high-severity violations” were both checked in every single custom Role created in the environment. Not sure how this happened, but after a laborious journey through every single Role to remove these selections, it is back to working

