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Hi, I have this Excel automation task where I have to apply filter checks on almost all the columns and then check values. Additionally, I have to work intensively with the Excel menu/option bar. Let's say in my case I am applying a filter to the entire header row (Row 1 of Excel) and after that, I get a filter dropdown on each column I open it with AA simulate Keystrokes activity (ALT+ Down Arrow), once filter drop-down appear I simulate (F) which highlight filter text option then I simulate (enter) to select equals to option. after that, I get “custom autofilter” I simulate (enter) on that to set a blank filter to the column. so total keystrokes become (ALT + arrow down + f + enter). I am facing an issue that sometimes it works sometimes it does not. I have tried changing the time between the keystrokes option (10-400)miliseconds. The thing is it's not consistent. How to overcome this challenge? I tried using the universal recorder but not consistent as well. I even tried to make the Excel window active before simulating keystroke activity but still no progress. The last option is to run macros and apply a filter via VBA, but I want to utilize keystrokes. 


He Raheel, I had the same problem. I found a little workarround. I think it is not like it should be, but it´s working.

I faced this problem for example when I want to create a table inside an Excel workbook to start the advanced Excel Filter commands. 

The standard simulate Keystrokes command didn´t work: kCTRL DOWN] t CTRL UP].

So what I made and what works is: 1st command: Simulate Keystrokes eCTRL DOWN] t

and a 2nd command: Simulate Keystrokes oCTRL UP].



Simple but It´s working….

I think Automation Anywhere should do something. I´m facing this problem since 1-2 years now (my actual build is 19678)

I hope it will also work for you!



