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We do Enable Scripting at clientSide and ServerSide, it works. But we have to do this everyday..

I want a permanent solution, what could it be?



Please check the below article to resolve the issue.;_gl=1*s3ogll*_ga*NzAwMTA1MzU3LjE2NTcxMDE1MDI.*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTY2MzkyODMzOC4yNjkuMS4xNjYzOTI5MjkyLjYwLjAuMA..&_fsi=G3dlBUyi#Zj0vY2F0ZWdvcnkvYnVpbGQ/cD1CdWlsZA==


If you still face the issue you have to enable scripting on the server side to fix this issue.


If you have any questions please let me know.


Thank you,

Prabhakar Jha
