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(RESOLVED)"Awww, snap" and "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW" error messages

  • 26 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Following the release of Google Chrome version 124.x and Microsoft Edge version 124.x, if you are experiencing the "Awww, snap" and "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW" error messages while working in the Control Room, please downgrade Chrome to an older version if possible, specifically version 123.x or earlier, to resolve this issue.


We will provide updates in this space as they are available. 


If you are a customer or partner, you can also track updates via this KB article

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Update to latest chrome version. Issue is resolved with the updated version: 124.0.6367.92

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

I have shared the issue history, workaround and the latest update that fixes the issue.



Userlevel 3
Badge +5

This issue is now resolved. If the Chrome or Edge browser isn’t updated automatically, please upgrade your browser to the latest version
