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Read data from excel to variable (type record)

  • 22 February 2024
  • 8 replies

Hi everyone,

I have a question about data from excel. I would appreciate it if someone who knows answer.

I created an Excel with email addresses. I have assigned email adresses from this excel as variable(type record) (1)

I can see all the emails in the message box. So far there is no problem. (2)

I want to use this variable as a “from specific sender” in the email loop. I only want the incoming emails to respond to those on this list. (3)

Although I see all the emails in the message box, the email loop only reads the bottom line of the list.

I assigned the Excel Row variable by name. Should I get it as an by index? (However, I will add and remove new email to the list and update it all the time)

Where am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance 





8 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +14

Bottom Line of the list, by that do you mean the last email only?

Badge +3

No, the last email addresses in the excel list.

I want to read the emails on the list and reply if they can from any of these addresses. But, the email loop only reply if the last address in the list sends.

Userlevel 4
Badge +14

No, the last email addresses in the excel list.

I want to read the emails on the list and reply if they can from any of these addresses. But, the email loop only reply if the last address in the list sends.

I do not understand by, “ last address in the list sends”

Badge +3

There is an excel with email addresses. (1)

By using "Email loop> from specific sender", I want the task to run if any of the email addresses in this Excel sent an email.

But now when I create the variable in the 3rd image;
Email loop only reads emails from the last email address in Excel.

e.g.: it reads the address "" in the 1st image. It does not read the first 3 addresses.

So, if the e-mail came from "", the task is running. However, if it comes from the first 3, it doesn't run. I want it to run for all email addresses in the list.

Badge +3

There is an excel with email addresses. (1)

By using "Email loop> from specific sender", I want the task to run if any of the email addresses in this Excel sent an email.

But when I create the variable in the 3rd image;
Email loop only reads emails from the last email address in Excel. 

e.g.: it reads the address "" in the 1st image. It does not read the first 3 addresses.
So, if the e-mail came from "", the task is running. However, if it comes from the first 3, it doesn't run. I want it to run for all email addresses in the list.

Badge +3

There is an excel with email addresses. (1)

By using "Email loop> from specific sender", I want the task to run if any of the email addresses in this Excel sent an email.

But when I create the variable in the 3rd image;
  Email loop only reads emails from the last email address in Excel. 

e.g.: it reads the address "" in the 1st image. It does not read the first 3 addresses.
So, if the e-mail came from "", the task is running. However, if it comes from the first 3, it doesn't run. I want it to run for all email addresses in the list.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @ufuksavas,

Please try with following steps,

  1. You will read email addresses from an Excel sheet and store them in a variable.
  2. Then, loop through the mailbox to read incoming emails one by one. Compare each received email address with the addresses in the Excel sheet data.
  3. If a match is found, use the "send email" action and assign the stored email address variable (Step 1 variable).


Userlevel 4
Badge +14

Hi @ufuksavas,

Please try with following steps,

  1. You will read email addresses from an Excel sheet and store them in a variable.
  2. Then, loop through the mailbox to read incoming emails one by one. Compare each received email address with the addresses in the Excel sheet data.
  3. If a match is found, use the "send email" action and assign the stored email address variable (Step 1 variable).


I think there is no need to store it, if you use Outer loop of excel email addresses and inside loop for mail box then I think the logic will work 
