
Our developer wants to enable OCR Confidence levels for his Bot (using cloud based IQBot). Since our IQbot instance is in the cloud, and we cannot edit settings.txt - how are we supposed to set this up?

  • 30 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Our developer wants to enable OCR Confidence levels for his Bot (using cloud based IQBot). Since our IQbot instance is in the cloud, and we cannot edit settings.txt - how are we supposed to set this up?

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

@Tim Vruwink​ 


We don't have an option in Classic IQbot, but it's possible to in IQBot native which is available from the .25 version.


if you are still facing an issue then please create a support case


How to create a support case :


if you don't have access to the above link, email the AA Support team "" to get access.
