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New Year, New Badge - Jumpstart Your 2023 Goals!

Each month we’ll post a new set of actions you need to take here in the Pathfinder Community in order to earn an exclusive, limited-run badge. You have only that month to complete the challenge before the badge is decommissioned. 



Your badge should now be displayed on your profile. If you do not see it, please reach out to the Pathfinder Community Team at


📣 New Year, New Badge - January Galaxy Series Badge Challenge is LIVE!


January Galaxy Series Badge

As your partner in all things automation, we are ready to be your biggest supporter in achieving your 2023 goals!

Looking to:

💡 Upskill?
💡 Find your first use case?
💡 Learn something brand new?
💡 Expand and scale your automation program?
💡 Add to your professional network?
💡 Learn more about the Automation Success Platform? Maybe COE Manger? Process Discovery?

Get a running start at success and unlock this exclusive challenge badge - plus a bonus perk - in one easy step!


📝 Reply to this thread and share - What is one automation related goal you have in 2023?

Bonus - You share, we share!

The Community Team will respond to each goal with a recommendation you can add to your goal success toolkit.

Ready, set, let’s achieve! 🎉

13 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Only 1 Goal for 2023  #ScaleUp #Automation

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Only 1 Goal for 2023  #ScaleUp #Automation

Love it! What are you guys doing to scale?

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Goal 2023 #Stable environment #performance #A360 #RDP Policy issues resolution with product 

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

@Rathish.P YES. I hear automation #scale as the top goal across industries, regions, company size.  My favorite help for scale these days…

  1. Eye/mind opener-- from this discussion with @ Jim Frost and others 
  1. Micro quiz--I like this one to figure out whether Citizen Dev is the right lever for scale (it’s not for every organization, and right now the decision to invest in this way seems pretty binary. ). Would love to know what others are seeing.


  2. Advice from this awesome community. 


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

This month my challenge is to convert  IQ CR & bots from A11.x to A360

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Great stuff. After the conversion what Biz use cases  are you enabling?

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Pension invoice processing… 

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Currently org created a brand new A360 IQ setup which is going to useless while A11.3 and A360 on different architectures and migration required from A11.3 learning instances…. 

As per AA there is definitely downtime required, unfortunately my org do not have any business available for manual effort on this… so, I am trying to create A360 IQ env setup and conversion from 11.x  with ZERO DOWNTIME

Architecture created and ready to roll off to implement my approach to achieve ZERO downtime for A11.3 to A360 IQ CR setup and IQ bots migration….. 

My target date to complete this 01/27/2023…. 


Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Our goal is to migrate the 50 + plus we have on V11 to A360 and once that;s completed to start diving into unlocking the new features and capabilities of A360!

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

YAY !!!! Successfully completed IQ CR migration from 11.3 to A360 with zero downtime ….. 


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Cyberark integration with A360 Successfully implemented and enabled auto login feature with cyberark …… 90% of 11.3 bots migrated to A360… targeting remaining before end of Jan….

Userlevel 1
Badge +8

Our goal for 2023 is to create the framework and start with the project RPA! 😎

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Hello Automation Leaders!

I am the new Pathfinder Community Coordinator and so excited to join you on your automation journey.

As one of your new partners, I want to offer a few resources that caught my interest based on the goals you have shared:

Hyperscaling the Automation Journey: 3 Pitfalls Keeping Your Automation Program From Growing

Framework for Building Out Automations


Haven’t shared your goal yet? Do it today and secure your exclusive badge! 😀


