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I think some of the new functionality around Generative AI is awesome, but it seems that long-standing issues with the platform are thrown to the side in lieu of the new and shiny. I wish AA would hold true townhall style events to get feedback from those actually living and breathing (and trying to evangelize) the platform every day. I think the company would be surprised at some of the foundational issues that make it difficult to present A360 as the clear choice when compared to other platforms.

Currently we have this forum, but honestly aside from the constant Blog Posts with Comments turned off, most threads in this vein get a response of “we’re looking into that, thanks”. Try to open a Case through either a customer or partner portal, and you receive the same. I’d simply like to see an event, perhaps something on the schedule at Imagine, where the company is actually willing to listen to those who use the platform daily, both what they like and where there concerns are, and allow that to factor more into the roadmap moving forward. I know I have my list of things customers come to me about, and I am sure many others do as well.

Hi @J.Logan! Thank you for this valuable feedback and helpful suggestions. 


While I am not on the Imagine core planning team, I will 100% pass on this great suggestion. One of the things I love most about Imagine is that our Product Team attends in full force and is very open to connecting with our users. Do not hesitate to tap our Product Manager shoulders at the event - we have one of the most approachable product teams who is eager to connect with our community. If our Community Team can help in anyway optimize your event experience don’t hesitate to drop by the Community Lounge at the event to say hello - ask for !


Additionally, I am so happy you brought up a town hall style event for product feedback. My team has been building a series of user group meetings in partnership with our Product Team. This includes an annual Product Roadmap Tour in February where we invite our customers & partners to share their open feedback and questions directly with our product leadership team. It is so timely you raise your idea as we have been thinking about how we might be able to best expand this offering and how to improve next year’s event. Let me know if you would be interested in connecting directly, I would love to learn more about your needs and event vision. 


As for ‘blog comments being turned off,’ could you please email if you find any blogs with comments turned off. I would say about 99% of our community blogs have the comments turned “on” so if you are seeing something different we definitely want to take a deeper look. I am happy to connect with you. As for grabbing product managers at Imagine, I definitely do my best to do so every time I’m there. Just seems like I am still bringing up the same concerns we were talking about back at Imagine Digital two years ago.

@J.Logan Email sent and looking forward to finding a time to connect. 
