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Logs Creation for Bot execution

  • 19 April 2023
  • 1 reply


In SDD document template it is mentioned we need to create three types of logs for bot execution.

Audit logs, Error logs and Process logs.

Audit log Format: <pls enter the format: Date time, BOT ID, BOT Operator, Event Description, Transaction ID>

Error logs Format: <pls enter the format: Date time stamp, BOT ID, Error Line, Error Description, Transaction ID>

Process Format:  <pls enter the format: Date time stamp, BOT ID, Process step, Transaction ID>

I have below questions regarding logging.

  1. Can anyone let us know how to get BOT ID, Transaction ID and other details mentioned above?
  2. What are the events we need to capture in audit logs? 
  3. Can you share any documents if you have regarding this? 

It would be helpful for bot creators.

Thanks in Advance

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