
Login TOTVS - user not authenticated

  • 20 January 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi team,


I'm facing problems to log in into TOTVS, always return error "user not authenticated"


-> I've tried to type the password using keystrokes,

-> Tried to type the password using recorder,

-> Tried to copy and paste (CTRLC CTRLV) from txt file and from xlsx file

-> Tried using credential and not using credential


All these options fill in password area correctly but when bot presses confirmation button to login "user not authenticated" error appears.


Password and user are correct and user is not blocked because login works when I type it manually.


I ran out of ideias on how to fix that, can anyone help me?

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @leticia de matheus​ ,


Can you try to select Only Select Xpath under Object Properties for all the 3 fields Username, Password & Submit button?

Hi @ChanduMohammad S​ 


Recorder does not capture Xpath, only the following properties:



Is there another way to retrieve and use xpath as a propertie ?


I've tried all kinds of those properties combinations and none of them worked :(

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @leticia de matheus​ . From the screenshot, my suspicion is that the object is not properly selected.

I would suggest trying filling in the information required via the bot, but click to log in manually - to see if that works, so we can isolate where the problem is. 😊
