
Log de auditoria "Sem êxito"

  • 19 May 2023
  • 1 reply


Estou encontrando um problema que o meu usuário aparece a cada 10 segundos no Log de auditoria com esta mensagem “Sem êxito”


No detalhamento exibe a mensagem: “Usuário: s1000303 não possui uma licença válida”:

Por favor, poderia me ajudar a entender esse erro?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@Heber 8895 

Kindly try the following:

1. Verify whether the user has the Unattended license or not. It is mandatory to have the unattended license assigned to the Runner for the deployment.
2. The User which is used for the deployment from the Control Room should have the Repository-Bots permission for running the bot.

2.1. Note the roles assigned to the User used for deploying the bot from the Control Room.
2.2. In the assigned roles, verify the permissions for Bots. It should have the Run+Schedule permission over the folders

3. From all the roles assigned to the Runner user, remove all the roles but AAE_Basic.
4. Deploy the bot and it will be successfully deployed.
5. One by one, add and deploy the bot in order to get the exact role which was creating the conflict or restricting to deploy.


This solution is for one of the probable cause behind the error mentioned. There are possibilities of other reasons for the same error.


