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Getting below error in get User command of AD , tired with Multiple properties but still it is throwing.

Earlier it was working but suddenly from last 2 days it is throwing error. I have checked all the parameters which i am passing are correct including Domain User id and password,


I am getting this same error from a new bot I am trying to build, any solutions found yet?
All mine does is Do a connect (which I built the parent path for and it resolved, so think that’s OK, then I do a Get User Property trying to retrieve the User’s Mobile attribute.


Get User Property

Have tried the Users AD ID and a variety of other things

The sADProperty Variable contains “Mobile”


Not much documentation or examples to follow for the Active Directory Package, any thoughts or ideas or examples?  Thanks!

12 days later and at least 35 permutations of attempts by trial and error:

In our experience, you MUST select the OU Object at the highest level of where the User exists FROM THE BUILD Parent Path Button. Trying to fiddle with the text of the connection string will always return errors or User not found.  In our case, selecting “Active Managed Objects” insite that Build Parent Path button works and provides the following Preview:  LDAP://hqv-prod-dc16-1/OU=Active Managed Objects,DC=elders,DC=internal


BUT - manually entering this value into the Parent Path field always returns errors “LDAP://hqv-prod-dc16-1/OU=Active Managed Objects,DC=elders,DC=internal”


ALSO Important - when trying to select a specific User for a command like Get User Property - in our experience you must always enter the value in logon name that matches the userPrincipalName in AD. We have not gotten any value of User name to work for us with that command, only logon name. For example:

userPrincipalName: That value must go into the Logon name entry for success.
