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Issue in passing In-out argument, We have migrated from V11 to A360

  • 13 April 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi Team,


We are facing unusual issue never faced, I did a migration from V11 to A360 all process running successfully except one particular sub-task(processing), we have in and out argument in that sub-task but whenever we are calling this task from master task, it showing no in and out argument. 

If have in and out argument in sub task, in main task it saying no in and out argument. Tried to copy entire code and created new task, but still same 

1 reply

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Hi @Sujitha 9629 

Please check with below points

  1. Please check whether you are having same package versions in between parent and child tasks. 
  2. Please check whether you are calling correct child bot or not
  3. Copy all the required variables from child bot into clipboard and paste the same variables into new task and delete all the variables from child bot and save it. Do refresh and again copy back the variables from New task to child bot. 
