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IQ Bot Pre-processor package---How to Get?

I'm trying to get the IQ Bot Pre-processor package as we don not have this package available in our development environment.



I found this article (see below) that says the the package is a .jar file available in the IQ Bot installation folder. Does anyone know the name of the actual file? I couldn't find anything on our IQ Bot server.


Or. it looks like I can just download the package from the downloads page (see below), but that looks like its to download a full client, bot agent or a previous version. It doesn't specify which download I need. Does anyone know which specific file I need to download to actually get this package?


Also, Is this package anywhere on the bot store? It would be easy if I could search for it there.



We are using on prem a360 Version 23.0.11499.








IQ Bot Pre-processor package*1b91t34*_ga*MTk2MjU2MDM0Ni4xNjExNjc4MTU1*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTY1Mjk3MzQzNC4yOTcuMS4xNjUyOTc0ODMxLjU1amp;_ga=2.32866494.1244064188.1652700915-1962560346.1611678155&_fsi=BZ8TEG8Y








4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Justin Lee​ ,


Please check out the below, In that link, you can find the IQ Bot Pre-processor package>



Badge +3

Thank you Tamil.

I'm assuming that I'm looking for bot-command-iqbot-preprocessor-2.2.2-20220324-110124.jar.


Are the zip files in there dependencies or are they specifically for IQ Bot?





Badge +3

Thank you very much!



Have a great weekend,


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @Justin Lee​ ,


Yes, that is the .jar file which is corresponding to the package.

To use that package, you are only supposed to download that particular .jar file and then follow instruction to upload that package into control room.>


Other .zip files under that location have different purpose and are not related to IQ bot preprocessor package.


Hope this helps.




Dhwanit Parekh
