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In A360, in 1 VM if we keep queue and schedule bot both then which bot will pe picked first? Queue or schedule? Also we have option to set priority for schedule bot as high or low or medium but not in queues please help

  • 19 April 2022
  • 1 reply

In A360, in 1 VM if we keep queue and schedule bot both then which bot will pe picked first? Queue or schedule? Also we have option to set priority for schedule bot as high or low or medium but not in queues please help

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@Nidhi Dedhiya​ :

we would like to let you know that Queues will be performed first and for queues, there are no priorities set, as soon as a workitem loads to queue, the bot will be triggered


Suppose let's say at 4 PM I have a scheduled bot and I uploaded workitem to 1 queue at the same time Queue ll trigger the bot.


But by any chance, if the schedule bot is triggered, then the queue triggers the bot but will wait for the schedule bot to get completed.


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