If anyone has used the Automation 360 Code Analysis Bot how do you harvest the URLs for the Bots you want to compare?
Actually finding the URLs was easy. Using the correct credentials specifically domain\\username made the difference. This bot is interesting and and will probably mature nicely. Wish list - easier way to compare to previous versions and a more robust code comparator.
Hi, How do we harvest the URLs and why are the username/password required as we already logged into the CR with our credentials.
Prasanna Rao
In your CR go to Automation -> MyTasks and select the task you want to evaluate. Select the URL of the first task you want to compare in the address bar, ex https://<your CR server>/#/bots/repository/public/taskbots/12345/view. If you are comparing to a previous version check out the previous version you want to compare to, to your private and then select that URL ex https://<your CR server>/#/bots/repository/private/taskbots/54321/view.
With regard to the credentials the Code Analysis package uses the AA REST api.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.