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How to use the PGP Command to automatically encrypt the file

  • 9 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello Team,

Someone has shared public key with me. How can i encrypt my files using that key (By using pgp package)? 

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi @vaishnavi.jadhav,

you can use the Encrypt files action in the PGP package to encrypt your files using a public key. Here are the steps:

  1. Double-click or drag the Encrypt action from the PGP package.
  2. Select the Public key file encryption type.
  3. Provide the public key file path.
  4. Select the Encryption algorithm. You can choose from: AES128, AES192, AES256, Blowfish, CAST5, Idea, TripleDES, TwoFish256.
  5. In the Source folder/file(s) field, specify the folders or files to encrypt. This field supports wildcard characters in the file name and extension. Use an asterisk (*) to substitute for one or more unknown alphanumeric characters or symbols.
  6. In the Destination folder/file(s) field, specify the location where to save the encrypted folders and files. This field also supports wildcard characters in the file name and extension.
  7. Select the Overwrite Files check box to replace files with the same name.
  8. Select the Compression type. You can choose from: None, zip, bzip2, zlib.
  9. Select the Armor data (text output) check box to enable ASCII Armor output.
  10. Click Save.

Please refer to this documentation for more information:


Hope this helps!
