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how to use IQ bot

  • 8 September 2022
  • 2 replies

Could anyone give me an idea: I am using AA Community Edition. I have created a single learning instance, and trained it by uploading invoices and then validating a few documents. Now I want to test the learning instance, i.e, I want to see whether if I feed more documents to the IQ bot, if it gives me correct field mappings or not. How do I do that?


Also after I am done with the training and testing part of IQ bot, how do I use it in a bot that I already have?


For testing documents, please navigate to IQBOT ( and you can start using the Learning Instance there.


Please note that Community edition users are limited to 5 learning instances and will not be able to delete them.


To use a bot you already have, you can import your bot into community edition from the automation tab. Please note that is it not advised to import/export bots in CE as it is meant for testing and learning purposes only.

Hi @Eusha Khan​ ,


I'd recommended checking out below tutorial, this helps answer your questions.>
