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Hi all, I need help in this case I want to do a loop of clicking the force decryption button repeatedly and dynamically
I have used the action loop while 'recorder object exists' then the next step is record capture but it doesn't work


Does buttons disappear after clicking Force decryption?
Maybe you can keep clinking on it, while all of them dissapears? 

If not, try to record 2 different Force decryption buttons, and see what are the differences between object parameters, maybe there is some row index, that you can input dynamically and use that to loop and click all of the buttons. 

As well, do not forget to check application settings, maybe there options to do that automatically, inside the application itself

Hi all, I need help in this case I want to do a loop of clicking the force decryption button repeatedly and dynamically
I have used the action loop while 'recorder object exists' then the next step is record capture but it doesn't work


You can try what happens when you are done with all Force decryption and then when you click Save All. Post that check whether there is any change in the objects, does something comes up or not. That could be your condition to click decrypt

okay guys, thanks for the help
I've solved it by using a loop for n times 
