
Help building a SOAP web service in AA360

  • 22 April 2024
  • 1 reply


Hello all,


Apologies if this has been asked before but couldn’t find anything specific when searching the forum.

I am working on an automation that needs to use SOAP Web Service to send a request to a service via WSDL. The automation i’ve developed scrapes a number of values that are must be included in the SOAP request from an web page and stores them as variables.   

I’m struggling to work out how to include the values within the SOAP web service action, the URI that I have been provided allows me to build the soap request and select the operation:



What I can’t work out is how to add the variables I need to pass into the request? below is a bit of a sample XML I was supplied from an order, below is a snippet of it:






<AddressLine3>High Road</AddressLine3>


<PostCode>CB11 1CA</PostCode>




I’m guessing I need to add the variables the bot is scraping the page in the parameters but not sure how to apply it? 

Any help on this one would be most appreciated!!  👍


Best answer by sleemand 22 April 2024, 18:10

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Userlevel 1
Badge +4

 Maybe I can assist.

I’ve had to use SOAP for one call so far, and here is how I managed.

This may be different for however they accept the inputs.


First, create a list of parameter names and join them with a pipe symbol.

Then, do the same with the parameter values.

This is how I needed to then call the SOAP Web service:

SOAP request

Here is a snippet of how the XML schema looks.

xml schema

