
Hello, In my machine bot is taking around 3 hrs time to run end to end. When i moved to production bot runner machine it is taking around 10+ hrs. Can anybody help to understand what is wrong.

  • 21 September 2022
  • 5 replies

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Hello, In my machine bot is taking around 3 hrs time to run end to end. When i moved to production bot runner machine it is taking around 10+ hrs. Can anybody help to understand what is wrong.

5 replies

@suryateja salvaji​ Can you elaborate on what is your process what applications it is using?

How many records are there?

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Excel data validation using macros and updating the rows with data using each row in excel worksheet. it generates 14 files according to company code.

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one file has 3000. other has around 500. total 14 excel files


@ S SuryaTeja


One of the way to optimize the performance is check which actions are taking more time than usual.

This can be done by logging- actions with timpeStamps in Log files.

Basis of that you can decide if the code has to be optimized or if the runner machine's perfomance paramters has to be optimized.

