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For creating TLS Certificate for Application Server to DB Server connectivity, we need to know which details to enter in "Issued To" and "Subject Alternate Names" for certificate creation. Note - We don't want to create a self signed certificate.

  • 4 February 2022
  • 3 replies

For Application Server to DB server connectivity TLS certificate, we don't want to create a self signed certificate, we want to create a proper certificate signed by CA. We are going to get this certificate from the concerned support team. For this purpose, we have to provide them "Issued To" and "Subject Alternate Name" fields for certificate creation. Please can you provide what needs to be entered in these field for certificate creation. Please answer with examples.

3 replies

Badge +6



Your company shoould have a valid SSL certificate, check with your IT team. As you mentioned, SNS is important from A360 version.



Madevan Thayumanavan.


We have to provide the “Issued To” and “Subject Alternate Names” to the internal IT teams to create a certificate. Unfortunately, what these fields should contain is nowhere mentioned in the AA Documentation.

-Rohit Bhave
Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Below article has all the info required to generate the certificate. Please follow it and you will have all the answers you will need. 

What are the properties to be set during certificate (SSL/TLS) creation?
