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Files repository path

  • 10 November 2023
  • 3 replies


I’ve prepared a Folder on a machine in a AD domain, shared this folder to a CR service User (R/W), the link is:


where <AutomationAnywhereRepository> is a Shared folder on a machine’s <TEST-REP> C:\ Disc.

Access to the shared folder tested from diffrent locations, also from CR machine.

Whe trying to change a repository path in workin CR i got a mesage:


What can cause that exception? Should I stop any CR services to change repository path?

looking for clues,

Greetings Michal

Hi @MichalTurek ,


Please find the below,

The repository path endpoint is not correct or as per the product design

Kindly checkout the link

Hallo @Tamil Arasu10 ,

Thanks for Your replay,

first of all I don’t have an access to the link: since I use an IBM license of AAe.

Would You be so kind and repost the article here.

Second thing that this is On-prem version of AAe I’m using - I forgot to mention that in the thread,

greetings Michal


the name of the folder was the issue: it should be “Server Files” not “ServerFiles”! case solved.
