
Excel Formulas are not reflecting with bot execution.

  • 31 May 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello all,

I need help or suggestion for my below issue. Please anyone knows the reason please reply to me back with your points.

I am automating the Power BI application for downloading the Excel and copy past data into the other excel sheet (Contains Formals).

  1. I am copying the data into Data Table variable and pasting into the Output file.
  2. Based on business flow the formals should works and reflects the data with back-end Calculation and gives Sum value.


The formals are not working and the sum value not able to append into the Output file.


1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

Can you give more information on this?

  1. Where are you putting the data in your ‘other file’?
  2. Where are the formulas in relation to the above?
  3. What is the formula that’s not working?
  4. Are you using copy paste or are you using the excel action “Write from data table” to get the data into your target sheet?
