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Hi Experts,


I'm extracting some columns by connecting to excel as DB.


Select tVendor name],]Value obj. currency],]Order] from mSheet1] - This query isn't working due to the column name - Value in Obj. Crcy .. It throws invalid bracketing of name error .. Are there any ways to solve this without changing the column name? Pls suggest

@Ishwarya Kalidoss​  Try Select * from oSheet1$$] instead, and export data to csv with Export data with Header - check ON, check the header it generates in csv, (seems like . converts to # here)

Thanks for your response. I'm trying to extract to a data table and tried Select [Vendor name],[Value obj# currency],[Order] from [Sheet1] replacing . with # but that dint work too.. Not sure about the SQL syntax to fetch such columns with a . in its name


you should use SELECT TVendor name],]Value obj# currency],]Order] FROM gSheet1$$]

there should be two $$ after the sheet name
