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Hi! I’m having an error when I’m developing that very often a pop up comes up with the title “Error Performing Capture Operation” even if did not initiated any capture action.

Any solution for this?




Im using Automation 360 build 21072


I am also facing same problem 

Hey @User007214 ,

Can you keep one extension i.e A360 and do a cleanup using below steps and try again?


  • Delete below file if exist, C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere\


  • check if the Automation Anywhere Bot Agent service exists and try to delete it and install the Automation Anywhere Bot Agent again. 


  • Open Command Prompt with Administrative right, Enter below commands
    • sc stop "Automation Anywhere Bot Agent"
    • sc delete "Automation Anywhere Bot Agent"


If this is not helping you please raise a support ticket with AA using below link,
