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Error: Invalid argument supplied to 'list', index '0' is invalid or out of bound.

  • 24 April 2023
  • 2 replies



I’m migrating a task bot from v11 to A360 and am facing an issue:

Invalid argument supplied to 'list', index '0' is invalid or out of bound.

This error does not occur when running the same bot on v11.

The v11 code looks as follow:


The code of the migrated version (generated by the migration function) and generating the error :


Can someone please tell me what is the root cause of that error ?


Thanks in advance,

best regards,



The index you provided is not valid or there is no data at that index.


please check the variable if it has data and also generally index starts from 0 if you have only one value then ideally index will be 0 and not 1

Hello @rbkadiyam ,

thank you for your answer.


I finally found the solution (please see attachment):


In case that could help someone else.


best regards,

