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I have noticed that the Microsoft 365 Outlook: Connect action is completely blind - no matter what bogus information I put in for Client and Tenant ID, Username, or Secret, the action states it was successful. This of course, makes using a Try/Catch block useless: a subsequent action will error out but you have to trace it back to the fact the connection was never successfully created.

I am curious, for anyone using this package, what you are doing to error check the initial connection. Or are you just hoping it goes through and moving on with the rest of the bot? I guess I could, as a last resort, add a Check If Folder Exists and look for Inbox directly after the connection, but that seems convoluted.

Hi @J.Logan ,


Which is the Authentication method you are using for Mail server access?



Most of the customers lodging this complaint have been using Azure Global with Client Credentials mode.


Most of the customers lodging this complaint have been using Azure Global with Client Credentials mode.



Does this communication relevant in your case? It is also recommended to try after changing the Email package version to its latest if it in the older version now.


