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Anyone know what this means or how to clear it?

Clone a task bot

Copy that cloned task bot

Attempt to access that Copy of the cloned task bot

get “An unexpected problem occured”


Try either of the below steps and see whether any of them is helping or not.


  • Go to System services and Restart the Automation Anywhere Bot Agent Service.


  • Instead of Restarting, just Stop the service then wait for 15-30 seconds and Start the service again.


  • Try re-installing the Bot Agent with Admin privilege.

I had already rebooted the laptop which would’ve restarted the services, but did it again - STOP, wait and the restart.

Same results.  CAN view the cloned task bot.  Get ERROR when viewing the copied from clone task bot.

Agent should already be installed with Admin priv, I’ll have to carefully try to re-install it again if truly needed

NOTE - this is happening for multiple people for multiple bot deployments, not specific to just one machine.
Other ideas please?

Still having this issue, any advise please?

With AA Support, found that the default name of a copied bot contains Parens, such as “BotName (1)”.  The Parens are not supported characters according to this KB

So hoping AA makes an update to NOT use unsupported chars when providing a name for a copied bot!
