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Dynamical assigning values to created variables with Automation Anywhere 360

  • 7 March 2023
  • 2 replies

Do we can assign list of values to already created local variables in dynamic way in Automation Anywhere 360?


Example :-  I have an list variable with values :-   vA1,vA2, vA3….

                    Now I need to assign the listvariable values  to already created variables (A1,A2 ,A3…)



As I have 100s of values to assign to 100s of created variables which will create 100 lines of code for assigning the value.


This there any suggestion or code where we can do it in dynamic way by identifying the variables and assign the list value


Ex:- loop with list values


Find the variable by name from variable list and assign the value



Please suggest , Thanks in Advance

You could store the values in a database and fetch through the database

You could store the values in a database and fetch through the database

Thank you , but i need to assign the values to user defined variables ,instead of assigning each and every value to each variable ,were it will make me lot of lines

