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Hi Everyone,

I am able to complete Sharepoint Authenticate Step. Getting 404 File Not Error, while trying to download a file from Sharepoint. 

I followed the steps as in the docs.automationanywhere portal. Please dont post the links to the URL. 

Can you guys please post the exact parameters that needs to be passed here. 










Hope this helps you


Hi @satyasaikrishna0209 

Still Only Authenticate step is working. I followed exactly same steps as given in other post, still getting the same issue. 




Hi All, 

Can you anyone, help to resolve this. 



We have successful implemented Sharepoint RPA access. 

we use oAuth2 to get authenticated which requires azure parameters for ClientID TenanID and secret.  this application restricts access to a specific folder within the sharepoint site.

the file path is the Qualitified diretory starting at the root folder defined in your azure APP.

the destination folder is the Full Qualitfied path to for the destination (download) or Source path (upload).

for our bots the data is stored on a disk share so the syntax uses UNC naming \\<server>\rootfolder\projectname\botname\ENV\doc\docname.pdf.   One could use drive letter reference R:\rootfolder….  assuming you have the bot runner device mapping the devices on login.

the URL for sharepoint might look like: ….  this is traditionally where documents go.  Your azure authorization must identify this path.  In my case the client SP Site chose a different path for the files “Customs Documents”  so in the above File Path the base dir is set to this exact name -  No leading / 

hope this helps

