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Document Automation - Table field span across different pages in PDF

  • 16 August 2024
  • 0 replies



I’m trying to extract system generated PO’s using Document Automation. I have encountered one pdf where one table field is span into 2 pages.

Item: Required field and Primary column

Material: Required field

Description: Required field

Page 1 in DA:


Item     Material     Description 

1           AHTD2      Item is shipped

                               from Hyderabad

                               Item no: 21342

2           AJUG5      Item is shipped

                              from Mumbai

                              Item No: 57560

3          AKIU4        Item is shipped

Page 2 In DA:

Item      Material     Description

                               from Delhi

                               Item No: 24633

3rd row is continued in 2nd page. Thats where it is going to validation since other fields are empty and required fields.

Validation Page:

Item     Material     Description 

1           AHTD2      Item is shipped

                               from Hyderabad

                               Item no: 21342

2           AJUG5      Item is shipped

                              from Mumbai

                              Item No: 57560

3          AKIU4        Item is shipped

Error    Error           from Delhi

Error    Error           Item No: 24633


Is there any way to extract table fields, only if primary column is having a value.


Thank you in advance.


Hemantha Pindra.

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