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Document automation, how to actually use learning instance in production/from a bot?

  • 19 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello all,


first, full disclosure: this is my first project on regards to Document Automation and also my first in A360 after I spent a couple years back in 2018-2020 working with v11. I’m trying to unravel the mystery (at least it is to me) of how to actually make use of a learning instance in production. I know how to create it, fine tune it, publish it… read a lot of docs. But I’m missing the actual way of sending files to it from a task bot.


I was going through this guide:


But then I found it uses the AARI Web package, which is no longer present in my current version of AA. I could read that its substitute is Process Composer. Is that it? Should I go with Process Composer: Create a request, then?


Thanks a lot in advance,


1 reply

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hi juan,
Is your problem solved now? cause i’m facing the same problem,i’m stuck right now on this.i’m using process composer but aari & control room must have scheduler which i don’t know how it works so i’m stuck on this. if you’ve already resolved this problem,help me with it.
