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Display resolution for laptop, additional monitor and VM

  • 17 January 2023
  • 6 replies

Hi there,

                I am using a laptop and then extending my display to an additional  monitor. I need to connect to VM to access control room for bot building. At the moment I don't have a runner machine. I would like to know what resolution and scaling should I set for my laptop, monitor and VM machine?

Should laptop, monitor and VM  have the same resolution and scaling? I am leaning towards 1920 * 1080 and 100% scaling for the 3. As a team all other developers can also use the same resolution to avoids issues with the capture command.







Hi @Sai Deepan.R ,


Please check out the below link,


Change screen resolution for Bot Runner session

Customize device settings


Most of the cases that i’ve used 1366 x 768 or higher and browser should be 100%.



@Tamil Arasu10  Thanks for the reply and the links . At the moment I don't have a runner machine. I just have a creator licence. The link provided has details and setting related to control room while using a runner to run the bot on a different machine.

My query is does my laptop, extended monitor and VM machine have the same resolution(1366 * 768 or higher) and scaling to 100% ?


@Tamil Arasu10  Thanks for the reply and the links . At the moment I don't have a runner machine. I just have a creator licence. The link provided has details and setting related to control room while using a runner to run the bot on a different machine.

My query is does my laptop, extended monitor and VM machine have the same resolution(1366 * 768 or higher) and scaling to 100% ?


Hi @Sai Deepan.R 

Yes, When you connect to VM you can pre configure the resolution which you have used for development, normally entire team will follow the same resolution and the Bot Runners to avoid issues.

@Sai Deepan.R  we should use 1920 * 1080 and 100% scaling in base laptop while connecting to VM or Monitor inorder to run bot properly otherwise in unattended automation bot will fail to identify the objects… so always preferred to whole team to set 1920x1080 and 100% scaling

Thanks @ChanduMohammad  and @rbkadiyam . Thanks for confirming that laptop, extended display and VM should have the same resolution. We are also planning to stick to 1920 * 1080 and 100% scaling for all 3.

The only pain here is with my surface laptop has recommended resolution is 2736 * 1824 and 200% scaling. Once I change resolution to  1920 * 1080 and 100% scaling the font and display become too small to use in my laptop. I will have to use my extended monitor for the entire bot development and revert the resolution of my laptop if I am not doing active bot development.

Thanks @ChanduMohammad  and @rbkadiyam . Thanks for confirming that laptop, extended display and VM should have the same resolution. We are also planning to stick to 1920 * 1080 and 100% scaling for all 3.

The only pain here is with my surface laptop has recommended resolution is 2736 * 1824 and 200% scaling. Once I change resolution to  1920 * 1080 and 100% scaling the font and display become too small to use in my laptop. I will have to use my extended monitor for the entire bot development and revert the resolution of my laptop if I am not doing active bot development.

Welcome @Sai Deepan.R 
